Snappy Driver Installer R513 DriverPack 16104

Snappy Driver Installer (the SDI) - a portable software to install and update drivers and does not require an internet connection. It is a leader among the programs of this class matching accuracy and speed drivers. When ranking the driver gives priority to a more appropriate drivers (regardless of the availability of newer versions), to minimize the risks to ordinary users. Specialists can evaluate a large amount of information issued by the driver and the option to choose an alternate driver.

Key Features SDI:
・Programming language: C / C ++.
・The most advanced algorithm for matching drivers among peers.
・The program "weighs" about 4 megabytes (both versions) and does not require any third-party programs / libraries.
・High performance for indexing, searching for drivers, installing.
・Support for uncompressed drivers.
・Creating snapshots of the system, allowing to emulate someone else's system to another PC.
・Warnings about possible virus attempts to infect the stick with the program.
・The ability to update the software via the Internet and Driverpack (torrent technology).

What is this release different from SamDrivers?
・This distribution is created on the basis of the collection SamDrivers with the following differences:
・No third-party software.
・There are no other programs to install the drivers.
・Included are two versions of the program the SDI - 32-bit and 64-bit.
・The distribution is made in the form of a folder, and not .iso image that allows you to choose to download driverpack.
・Distribution is updated with each release drayverpakov rather than once a month.
・Drayverpak DP_zBad renamed DP_zSDI_only, because it contains the drivers for the devices installed that is only possible through the SDI program
・Added additional drayverpak DP_Videos_OEM

・DP_Biometric | Touchscreens 
・DP_Bluetooth | Bluetooth Devices 
・DP_CardReader Card Readers 
・DP_Chipset | Chipsets 
・DP_LAN_Intel | Intel Network Cards 
・DP_LAN_Others Network cards Other 
・DP_LAN_Realtek-NT | Network cards Realtek (Win Vista-10) 
・DP_LAN_Realtek-XP, | Network cards the Realtek (the Win XP,) 
・DP_MassStorage | Controllers, the HDD / the SSD 
・DP_Misc | Peripherals 
・DP_Modem | Modems 
・DP_Monitor | Monitors and projectors 
・DP_Printer | Printers 
・DP_Sound_ADI | Sound ADI card and the Max the Sound 
・DP_Sound_CMedia | Sound cards-the Media the C 
・DP_Sound_Conexant | Sound the Conexant 
・DP_Sound_Creative | Sound the Creative 
・DP_Sound_IDT | Sound Cards IDT and the SigmaTel 
・DP_Sound_Others | Sound cards Other 
・DP_Sound_VIA | VIA Sound Cards 
・DP_Sounds_HDMI HDMI devices are the audio 
・DP_Sounds_Realtek | Sound the Realtek 
・DP_Telephone | Phones / Smartphones 
・DP_Touchpad_Alps | Touch-pads Alps 
・DP_Touchpad_Cypress | Touch-pads of Cypress 
・DP_Touchpad_Elan | Touch-pads of Elan 
・DP_Touchpad_Others | Touch-pads Other 
・DP_Touchpad_Synaptics | Touch-pads The Synaptics 
・DP_TV_Aver | Tuner Aver 
・DP_TV_Beholder | Tuner Beholder 
・DP_TV_DVB | Tuners and DVB devices 
・DP_TV_Others | Tuners other 
・DP_Vendor | The unique device-specific vendor 
・DP_Video_Intel-NT | Intel Graphics Card (Win Vista-10) 
・DP_Video_Intel-XP, | Intel Graphics Card (the Win XP,) 
・DP_Video_nVIDIA_Server | Server-side graphics the nVidia 
・DP_Video_nVIDIA-the NT | Video Cards nVidia (Win Vista-10) 
・DP_Video_nVIDIA-XP, | NVidia Graphics cards (the Win XP,) 
・DP_Videos_AMD_Server | AMD / ATI graphics cards Server 
・DP_Videos_AMD-NT | AMD / ATI Video Cards (Win Vista-10) 
・DP_Videos_AMD-XP, | AMD / ATI Graphics cards (the Win XP,) 
・DP_Videos_OEM | Video cards modified notebook manufacturers 
・DP_Videos_Others | Video cards Other 
・DP_WebCam | Web camera 
・DP_WLAN-WiFi | Wi-Fi module and wireless devices 
・DP_WWAN-4G | Modem / 3G / 4G / LTE devices 
・DP_xUSB | Controllers, the USB 
・DP_xVirtual | Virtual devices 
・DP_zSDI_only | Different device drivers which are best installed only via SDI

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